As outlined in your Transfer Conditions of Admission, official transcripts are due by July 1 and test scores are due by July 15. It is important to request official transcripts and test scores in advance of these dates. Missing transcripts and/or test scores will result in your registration being blocked and ultimately the withdrawal of your admission offer. Check your status in your Applicant Portal under the "Transcripts" and "Test Scores" tabs.

Note: Students should only submit official exam scores to the campus they plan to attend. UC campuses do not share official test scores with each other.

Submitting Documents FAQ (PDF)

Transcripts and Test Scores Video Overview

What is Required?

Required Transcripts

UCSB needs official transcripts from all institutions you have attended. Transcripts are considered official when they are delivered directly from the school. Along with your college/university transcripts, UCSB requires your final official high school transcript as well. For California community college (CCC) students, the high school transcript requirement can only be waived if we receive a full UC IGETC/Cal-GETC certification. If you are a CCC student and you have not completed a full UC IGETC/Cal-GETC at your CCC by the end of spring term, please have your official high school transcript sent.

Full UC IGETC or Cal-GETC Certification (If Completed)

If you have obtained full UC IGETC or Cal-GETC, your school may submit in two ways:

  1. Your school may issue a notation on your official transcript instead of issuing a separate certification form. UCSB will accept the notation if it clearly indicates it is a “full UC IGETC certification” or “Cal-GETC” certification.
  2. If your school can only issue a separate UC IGETC/Cal-GETC certification form (no notation on transcript), we will accept this document. Please make sure it indicates “full” and “UC” in the form.

Please check with your CCC to see which method they use to send your IGETC certification. If you have obtained a partial IGETC, your school must issue the IGETC certification form that clearly indicates which areas were completed for the partial UC IGETC. A notation on the transcript will not suffice and credit will not be awarded. Only a full UC IGETC will waive the high school transcript requirement. If you have or will receive a partial or STEM IGETC, then we will continue to require your high school transcript. 

Test Scores (If Completed)

If admitted, you will be required to submit all official test scores by July 15. Scores for exams taken more than a year ago can take longer for delivery; sometimes 4-6 weeks longer than current-year scores. Please order your exam scores as soon as you have submitted your SIR to UCSB.

If you passed any Advanced Placement (AP) or higher-level International Baccalaureate (IB) exams, you must have the testing agency send the official results to UCSB to receive credit. Provided we receive your official results, credit from these exams should appear on your record sometime during your first term at UCSB.

  • AP Credit: UCSB awards credit for AP exams with scores of 3 or higher. You can order an official score report to be sent to the UCSB Office of Admissions here, or find archived scores here.
  • IB Credit: UCSB awards college credit for most IB higher-level exams with scores of 5 or higher )We don’t award college credit for standard-level exams). You can order an official score report to be sent to the UCSB Office of Admissions here.



We must receive your transcript directly from the transcript vendor. Make sure to select UC Santa Barbara Office of Admissions if required by vendor. We won’t accept transcripts sent through email as official. If your school doesn’t utilize these vendors, you’ll need to submit official paper copies of your documents.

Please note: Once the transcript is downloaded by our office, processing time is still required. Please allow up to 3-4 weeks (during peak periods) for your Applicant Portal to be updated.

  • Electronically: 

    Credentials Solutions/eSCRIP-SAFE, Digitary, eTranscript CA, JST DoD Military Transcripts, Kiteworks, Naviance, Parchment Exchange, SPEEDE, SCOIR, Scrib online, National Student Clearinghouse 

  • By Mail: If your school is unable to send electronic transcripts via the approved vendors listed above, paper transcripts can be mailed to: Office of Admissions, UC Santa Barbara, 1210 Cheadle Hall, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-2014. Paper documents will only be considered official if they are sent in a sealed school envelope with a stamp or signature on the flap of the envelope.