The Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) offers guaranteed admission to California community college students who meet specific requirements. TAG is offered for the fall term only. To TAG, you must submit an online TAG application from September 1-30 and the UC application for undergraduate admission from October 1 - December 2. 

This is several students in a science lab.

TAG Overview

TAG establishes criteria for guaranteed admission to UCSB. At UCSB, TAGs are available for all majors in the College of Letters and Science except performing arts majors that require an audition. The TAG is not available for any majors in the College of Engineering or the College of Creative Studies. Refer to the ASSIST website under articulation agreements by major between UCSB and your community college for more specific details on articulated courses.

This is an art professor lecturing to his class in a studio.

Fall 2025 TAG Requirements

Full details are posted on the UCSB TAG 2025 PDF. For quick reference, here are some of the most important TAG requirements:

  • Have 30 UC-transferable semester (45 quarter) units completed by prior to TAG submission
  • Have a 3.4 cumulative UC-transferable GPA by the end of fall 2024
  • Have at least one UC-M course completed by the end of fall 2024
  • Have the first UC-E requirement completed by the end of fall 2024, the second must be completed by the end of spring 2025
  • Submit a UC application to UCSB with the same major as your TAG application
  • Meet major preparation requirements for all Biological Sciences, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Economics, Mathematics, and Physics majors 
  • Have at least 60 semester (90 quarter) transferable units completed by the end of spring 2025 with no more than 19 units needed in spring term to meet the minimum 60 semester/90 quarter unit requirement

Frequently Asked Questions About TAG

Yes, please make sure to submit both the TAG application in September and the UC application to UCSB by November 30 in order to be eligible for UCSB’s TAG. Be sure you list your TAG major as your first choice major in the UC application.

Your UC application, which you will submit between October 1 - December 2, acts as an update to your TAG application. In January, you will report your fall grades and any schedule changes for the winter and/or spring terms on the UC application via the Transfer Academic Update (TAU). We will use the UC application and the TAU to verify that you have completed the TAG requirements.

Students who apply for TAG but are found to not be TAG eligible will still be evaluated and be considered for admission to UCSB.

UCSB’s TAG calls for specific requirements to be completed by the end of the fall term. We will wait until you turn in your UC application and complete the TAU in January, before we begin reviewing applications—both TAG and regular decision. All decisions will be posted in April.  

TAG and non-TAG applicants will receive their UCSB admission decision at the same point in April. Our TAG criteria include specific requirements that must be completed by the end of the fall term, and we will not make admission decisions before we have your fall grades.

Changing your major voids your TAG application. Students who change their major will be reviewed for regular admission to the major specified on the UC application. If changing your major is the only reason you don’t meet the TAG criteria, and you have the required major preparation in your new major (if applicable), then you will be a strong candidate for admission. Refer to our Transfer Major Preparation Guide PDF for more information.

No, TAG is a guarantee but it is not binding. Even if you are admitted at UCSB via TAG, you can choose to enroll at any college or university you are admitted to.

Yes. Units from AP exams can be used to meet the unit requirement for TAG. AP exams can also be used to meet subject requirements. Unit values and UC subject requirement areas can be found on the UC AP exam credits page.

Consult the UCSB general catalog AP chart for UCSB course equivalents.

If you submit a TAG application and meet all of the conditions of the TAG, then you are guaranteed to be admitted to UCSB. If you submit the TAG application but do not meet all of the conditions of the TAG, then your admission to UCSB is not guaranteed.

For selective majors in the Biological Sciences, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Economics, Mathematics, and Physics departments, required major preparation courses must be completed by the end of the spring term prior to transfer, with a specific major preparation GPA by the end of the fall term you apply, to meet the conditions of TAG. Students may TAG to other majors without completing all of the courses on Assist, although it is strongly recommended to complete as much major preparation as possible to be prepared to transfer.

Yes, as long as you have at least 30 semester/45 quarter units from a CCC, and your last term before transfer is at a CCC. Courses taken at non-CCC institutions are not guaranteed to be UC transferable, please refer to the Guide to Course Transferability PDF for more details. 

Enter courses that you might take in winter or spring on your TAG application, and then update your planned courses on your UC application in November and/or in the UC application via the Transfer Academic Update in January. It is okay if your TAG and UC application spring courses do not match. As long as you meet eligibility and major preparation requirements, it is okay to take different courses in the winter or spring than you originally entered on your TAG application. 

Yes, the TAG is really a guarantee so long as all requirements are met. You must submit a TAG application to UCSB in September and a UC application to UCSB in October or November. Your TAG/admission decision will be released in mid to late April.

The TAG requires that at least 30 of your 60 semester units (45 of your 90 quarter units) be completed at a California community college, and your last college attended must also be a California community college. Units earned at other colleges or universities can meet TAG requirements, but these units would be evaluated for UC transferability once your UC application is received. There is no guarantee your non-CCC courses will transfer to UC, which can affect your TAG eligibility and overall UC application.

UCSB TAG 2024 Overview

Watch our TAG video for the fall 2024 cycle. Register for a fall 2024 UCSB TAG webinar on our Events & Visits page.